

Laparoscopy is used to address unexplained pelvic pain, perform minimally invasive hysterectomies, provide permanent birth control through sterilization, investigate infertility issues, treat pelvic inflammatory disease, and remove adhesions that can cause pain and fertility problems.

Now you will be worrying about what is Laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is a technology where we put tiny cuts in your tummy to insert instruments mainly a telescope to see inside your abdomen and diagnose your actual problem. Laparoscopic surgery is mainly used to address a woman’s health problems such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, removal of the uterus in case of menstrual problems or maybe sometimes cancer, in diagnosis and treatment of tubal disease in case of infertility and also the management of ectopic pregnancy and the list goes on.


People usually think that this is risky and costly but if we compare it with open surgery it is much safer and the patient recovery is really fast which recovers the cost. Sometimes the patient can go home the same day and are able to resume their routine activities in a week’s time. It is less painful and gives a cosmetic scar which is barely visible. With all these benefits it is really advisable to choose laparoscopic surgery over open surgery.

What situations can laparoscopy be used to diagnose and treat?

    • Fibroid Uterus: Minimally invasive, shorter recovery time, and reduced scarring.
    • Ovarian Cysts: Smaller incisions, less postoperative pain, and faster return to normal activities.
    • Endometriosis: Less pain, quicker recovery, and lower risk of complications.
    • Ectopic Pregnancy: Lower risk of blood loss, quicker recovery, and smaller scars.
    • Sterilization: Minimally invasive, faster procedure, and reduced discomfort.
    • Sacrocolpopexy (Surgery for Prolapse): Reduced risk of infection, shorter hospital stay, and faster return to daily life.
    • Ovarian Cystectomy: Smaller incisions, quicker recovery, and less postoperative pain.
    • Removal of Ovarian Cyst: Minimal scarring, shorter hospital stay, and faster return to work.
    • Hysterotomy (Uterus Removal Surgery): Minimally invasive, reduced blood loss, and faster recovery.
    • Myomectomy (Fibroid Removal): Smaller incisions, shorter recovery, and reduced risk of infection.
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